Bernardo Arce
Chief of Investor Relations

Bernardo Arce in association with Genesis Financial Group, Inc. (GFG) became the cofounder and manager of first real estate trust registered in Central America to acquire buildings leased by the United States Federal Government and manage them for the investors in the trust.
Mr. Arce has been active in the business of leasing office buildings to the U.S. Federal Government since 2005 and his experience is based also in the structuring both public and private financial products with tax laws in the United States and Latin America.
His regional experience helps him understand the main issues of diversification that pension funds and others have because the public savings have grown very rapidly with very few possibilities of safe and predictable instruments of investment.
Before participating with Genesis, Mr. Arce was Secretary of Transportation and National Security of the Government of Costa Rica and in his professional experience he also has many years participating in the management of Agroindustrial Groups.
Mr. Arce is a graduate of West Point, the United States Military Academy with a degree in engineering and also has an MBA in Finance from the Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico.